Faculty Resources
As faculty associated with the Institute for Convergent Science, you can tap into a variety of resources to help accelerate your problem-focused innovation work. These resources complement ICS programs and are available to Carolina faculty through a combination of UNC-affiliated offices and programs focused on research and innovative impact as well as external organizations focused on supporting academic-to-industry translation. ICS will continue to provide you with a growing of number of resources as new opportunities emerge.
Creativity Hubs
Creativity Hubs are evolving virtual research networks that concentrate talent and resources on bold ideas for defined periods of time — free from typical organizational boundaries. The hubs move new discoveries and ideas into practice. This initiative was developed by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research to foster fluid, cross-disciplinary research. Funding supports projects that promote new ways of thinking that push disciplinary boundaries.
UNC Idea Grant
The UNC Idea Grant is a pilot funding program from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research that encourages researchers to develop novel ideas that address important problems or roadblocks to current lines of inquiry. This competition is open to any field of research and/or scholarship conducted by UNC researchers. It provides initial support to projects so that researchers will be more competitive for external or large-scale internal funding.
Faculty Innovation Workshop
The Faculty Innovation Workshop hosted by Innovate Carolina is open to UNC faculty who receive a nomination from their dean and an invitation from the Chancellor. Since 2009 the workshop has given UNC’s most entrepreneurial researchers and teachers the chance to develop new skills for turning ideas into impact. Many workshop alumni have launched new innovation projects, nonprofits and startup ventures.
Patent Landscaping and Market Research Service
Innovate Carolina’s Patent Landscaping and Market Research Service is available to UNC faculty, staff, and students at no cost, and to external organizations for a fee. This service helps you assess your technology, the marketplace and potential investment funding. Custom analytical reports provide a strategic view of the competitive landscape, current and projected market conditions, grants, and more.
Innovate Carolina Resource Directory
The Innovate Carolina Resource Directory is a curated collection of tools, programs and services available to innovation-oriented UNC faculty. By exploring this set of resources provided by UNC offices and local, regional and international entrepreneurial organizations, you’ll uncover valuable learning opportunities, funding, workspaces, competitions, venture services, and commercialization support.
Technology Commercialization
Innovate Carolina’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) offers vital expertise to UNC faculty working on research innovations with commercial potential. OTC commercializes and protects UNC IP and tangible assets by supporting patent applications and licensing agreements, structuring strategic partnerships, coaching startups, and administering proof-of-concept grants for technology development.
UNC Research Core Facilities
UNC Research Core Facilities are shared resources that offer a range of services to the research community, including faculty founders of local startups and biotech companies. Services include cutting-edge technologies, high-end instrumentation, technical support and education that bolster collaborative research. These cores consolidate technical expertise and instrumentation for its customers.